Spicy Fire Chicken ala recheese (spicy chicken sauces)

Spicy Fire Chicken ala recheese (spicy chicken sauces)

1/2 kg chicken legs
1/2 lime fruit
1 pack of versatile seasoning flour
Sufficient water
Sauce material:
3 cloves of garlic (geprek, cingcang halus)
4 tablespoons chilli sauce (tmbh / kurngi ssuai selera)
3 tablespoons tomato sauce
2 tablespoons chili powder / bon chili (tmbh / kurngi according to taste)
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
Sufficient sugar, salt, fine pepper

Rinse chicken, lemon and a little salt. Drain

Fried chicken to golden yellow,

Sauce ingredients: saute garlic until fragrant then enter the tomato sauce, chili sauce, oyster sauce, chilli powder, salt, sugar, white pepper. Stir well, wait until thickened and boiling, flavor correction.

Combine chicken that has been fried into sauces, mix well. Serve, slmt try.


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