Harmless chili sauce can damage health


Hello steemian friend. How are you today? Hope everything will be fine. In this post I will discuss about chili sauce that we often eat everyday. Are you friends of all fans of tomato sauce and chilli sauce? Meatballs, noodles, batagor, cireng, siomay, and others (Indonesian food), very delicious when eaten with sauce. But we have to be careful. The sauce we eat includes a healthy sauce or not? Unhealthy sauces are sold at very cheap prices, because the raw materials used are rotten chilli, rotten tomatoes, papaya, and foul onions. Sauce makers also use hazardous chemicals, such as rhodamine B substances that are actually used for dye or textile dyes. Manufacturers also add formalin that serves as a preservative and to remove the existing rotten aroma. At first the symptoms caused by consuming this sauce is the body feels weak, dizzy and nauseated. If allowed to use regular sauce can cause sore throat, trigger asthma, causing disruption to the excretion / exhaust system and nervous system, and can lead to cancer.


Here are the characteristics of the dangerous sauces:

  1. Moldy
    The original sauce will be more easily moldy in just 3 days if not stored in the refrigerator. While the dangerous sauces will not be moldy quickly even if kept in the open space for a long time because of the use of strong preservatives.

  2. Level of viscosity
    Fake sauce is usually more thick, because it uses a mixture of yams and papaya. While the original sauce more dilute.

  3. Garlic
    Garlic is a natural preservative that is often used to produce sauces. Therefore, in the original sauce, garlic will feel stronger. While in a fake sauce, garlic is vague because the fake sauce uses harmful chemicals as a preservative.

  4. Wear water
    Fake sauce will not be quickly mixed with water, because the fake sauce has a mixture of sweet potatoes to look viscous, and sweet potatoes contain carbohydrates that can not be mixed directly with water. While the original sauce will be easily mixed with water.

  5. Packaging and brand
    In the original sauce packaging there is a register number from BPOM, Ministry of Health, or MUI to know its halal.


So, based on the description above, does the sauce you eat include the original and healthy sauce?
So my review about chili sauce on this post, may be useful for me and for us all.

Thank you for visiting.
See you in the next post is a steemian friend.

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