Green beans: a summer dish


I know I have presented this before..these beans are not different technique wise. They differ because all ingredients are straight from the garden. You might ask: have you added sugar??? Noooo!! It is the fresh tomatoes and the eggplant!!!


Ingredients: 1kgr of fresh beans (I had to cut off only the ends), 1 big eggplant cut in pieces, 2 carrots cut in pieces, 2 medium potatoes cut in pieces, 1 onion cut in pieces, 1/2 bunch of parsley finelly cut, 4 tomatoes cut in pieces, 50ml of olive oil, salt and pepper. If the tomatoes are not from the garden, you should consider adding 1tbsp of tomato paste


I saute the onion in the olive oil. I add the beans, the carrots and the potatoes. Then I add the tomatoes and 120ml of water. In law fire I toss the food so that everything mixes well. This process must have taken 15' in total. I add the eggplant. I cover the food and let it simmer for 50' (depending on the beans used).


I uncover and add the parsley, salt and pepper. Try if the beans are ready. I cannot describe in words the amazing taste of melted eggplant in this sauce! A true summer gift!


Enjoy better the next day and in room temperature. Also accompany with feta cheese.

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