Burrito Rice and Guacamole || Nasi Meksiko dan Salad Alpukat

Hi friends!

Steemit is exceptionally slow today and Steem price was really, really down there, like only $2.04 😱

I think starting from now on, I will try to spare the time to do bilingual postings. I was just going through the list of followers that I have here, yep, 885 of them (when I type this), phew, thank you! - and many of them are from Indonesia, Aceh mostly.

Halo teman!

Hari ini website Steemit lambat sekali yak, dan harga Steem rendah banged, hanya $2.04

Mulai sekarang, sepertinya saya akan mulai posting dua bahasa, Inggris dan Indonesia, yang tentunya dengan ejaan baku, bukan bahasa gaul jaman sekarang 😂 Tadi saya barusan cek daftar "followers" satu-satu, gila capek nih jempol ngeklik satu-satu, 885 orang, dan saya lihat banyak yang dari Indonesia, terutama dari Aceh

I do realized, not many of these Indonesians ever greet me, leaving a comment and whatnot, but would follow and unfollow and back to follow me, then unfollow me again, repeatedly, tons of time. Could it be since I don't post in Indonesian?

Nama-nama tertentu sering banget ngefollow saya, terus unfollow, terus balik follow, bolak-balik begitu terus. Ga pernah ninggalin jejak apapun di blog saya. Mungkin karena saya ga ngeblog pakai bahasa Indonesia kali yah?

If you'd like me to correspond with you, let me know, say hello in comment and whatnot, I will gladly start a friendship with you, ask @fesbukan, @myrockandocean, @patriciadian, @larasayu, etc, I appreciate them much 😊 I will gladly follow you back, read your blog and leave upvotes when I can. If you just follow and not really showing yourself, I won't really know that your blog exists, especially when I don't always check my new followers.

Kalau teman mau menjalin pertemanan dengan saya, gampang kok, sekali-sekali tegur sapa saya, biar saya jadi tau akan keberadaan Anda. Saya ga gigit kok, tanya aja sama teman Indonesia lainnya seperti @fesbukan, @myrockandocean, @patriciadian, @larasayu DLL, dengan senang hati saya berteman dan berusaha ikutan dukung blog mereka. Kalau teman hanya follow tanpa basa-basi 😂, saya ga akan tau kalau teman follow saya.

One thing I'd like to ask though, please don't leave comment such as "follow for follow", "upvote me", etc. Those aren't really the right approach for me (and majority) to build friendship.

Tapi nih yah, kalau bisa jangan komentar "upvote dong" dan sejenisnya. Bete euy bacanya 😂


Today I'd like to share this following recipe for burrito rice and guacamole, our hearty dinner earlier 😊


** Burrito Rice**


  • 1/2 of an onion, sliced
  • 4 garlic, sliced
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 1/4 c diced mixed bell pepper
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp Vegeta powder



  • 1 can sweet corn, drain
  • 1 can black beans, drain
  • 1/2 tbsp Vegeta powder or to taste
  • 3 tsp ground cumin
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne powder
  • 1/2 tsp hot sauce



  • Cooked rice
  • a bunch of cilantro, sliced
  • a couple basil leaves, sliced
  • 2-3 green onions, sliced
  • lime juice, to taste


How To

  • Heat oil, saute garlic, onion, bell pepper until soften
  • Stir in corn, black beans and seasonings, cook for 10-12 mins
  • In a large bowl, mix cooked rice, green and black beans mixture, stir to combine well.
  • Stir in 2-3 tbsp lime juice
  • Serve as is or with guacamole (recipe below)


  • 1/2 of medium onion, diced
  • 1 garlic, minced
  • 1 medium size tomato, chopped
  • 1 heaping tbsp chopped cilantro
  • 2 avocado, cubed
  • Salt and lime/lemon juice to taste


How To

  • Mix everything



Ngomong-ngomong, saya mau bagi resep nih, kali ada yang mau mencoba 😉 Foto-foto langkah lihat di atas yak.

Nasi Meksiko dan Salad Alpukat

  • Panaskan 2 sdm minyak zaitun, tumis irisan 1/2 bawang Bombay, 4 buah bawang putih, bumbu perasa, 1 sdt jintan bubuk, serta 1 gelas paprika warna-warni, hingga layu
  • Masukkan 1 kaleng jagung pipil (tanpa air), 1 kaleng kacang hitam (tanpa air), 3 sdt jintan bubuk, bumbu perasa, 1/4 sdt bubuk cabai, 1/2 sdt saus pedas, masak 10-12 menit
  • Di wadah yang cukup besar, campur nasi secukupnya, potongan daun bawang secukupnya, daun ketumbar secukupnya, daun kemangi secukupnya
  • Masukkan tumisan kacang hitam dan beri beberapa sdm air jeruk limau, aduk rata

Untuk salad, campurkan potongan 2 buah alpukat, 1 tomat, irisan 1/2 bawang Bombay, 1 bawang putih Di keprek, 1 sdm penuh irisan daun ketumbar, beri garam serta air jeruk limau. Jadi deh 😊


Thanks For Looking!

This @bearone's banner, makes my blog looks better 😉

Looky, looky, what @enginewitty made me, isn't it a cutie 😊

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