Ghost Pepper vs Sugar syrup

We all know that ghost pepper is one of the hottest chillies in the world. The measure of its hotness could be determined on a Scoville scale with 400 times more hot than a Tabasco sauce, which is still hot enough to burn our ass.

ghost peper.jpg

Many Youtubers record video of them eating a ghost pepper as a part of a challenge but after eating it they suffer from their bad decision.
Well now that challenge could be taken very easily as there was a research in the FDA of Germany proving that there is an opponent of the hot ghost pepper and that is the well known concentrated sugar syrup, Scientists gave a twist when they revealed the way it neutralises the hotness.
TWIST - We all believe that the sugar syrup has to be drunk after eating the ghost pepper but this is what the twist is and the sugar syrup should be drunk about a 30ml just before eating the ghost pepper and it will neutralise the hotness for about 10-15 minutes after drinking it.
Well done scientists, next time I will come up with a video eating a ghost pepper just after drinking the sugar syrup.
Hope they are right about the neutralisation. :)

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