How to make Dumpling Wrapper with 3 ingredienst only


Dumplings is a popular Asian cuisine that is usually wrapped in dough with meat stuff. It can be fry, steam or even do both at the same time.

I often see this menu on Chinese restaurant and they serve it steaming hot. The texture was kinda fresh since it is still warm and serve with dipping unique sauce. It is savory, tasty and I loved it!

So today allow me to share how I made my dumpling wrapper. It so easy and cost you nothing if you had flour in your pantry already. You'll just need the following:


  • 1 cup flour
  • pinch of salt
  • water



1.In a bowl combine flour and salt. Give a stir till well combine. Add water little by little. The reason for this is to have it slowly absorbs by the dough.


2.You can use warm water. Stir using spoon then after you see that your dough is kinda stick together use your hand and give a little knead.

Tip: Your hand will be your ultimate tool if you put too much water or need more. Adjust carefully and do not attempt to add lots of water at first.


3.Rest the dough for 10 minutes so the gluten will relax for a while. Knead it until a smooth dough form. Dust your working surface with flour and stretch the dough multiple times or until you can feel if it's more relaxed.


4.Form into a big round shape dusted again with flour and let it rest before cutting into wrappers.



5.Divide you dough in half then roll in log and cut according to your desired thickness of your wrapper.

This recipe can make 30 small pieces.

6.On your working table dusted with flour, form the dough round and pressed it with your finger to flatten.


7.I used a big drinking glass as my rolling pin. Flatten it and making sure that the dough is dusted with flour so it won't stick.


I stacked those wrappers just like this and I made a mistake by stacking them too high. The more it get stacked the more it becomes heavy. The result, your wrapper will kinda stick since it becomes heavy even if you put flour on it. Better to do it in 5 layers to prevent this scenario.


Now my dumpling wrapper is ready and the filling would be in my next post. This is how simple and easy to do it. It requires more time so better do the wrapper ahead of time and put it in the fridge. You can have it anytime and even cost you nothing.

Hope it can helped someone who wanted to try dumpling but didn't have the wrapper. You can chose which filling you prefered too.

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