Today I wonder when we read about Tea

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Today, when we sitting in college library read about aromatic beverage when about read tea, is a unique composition that is healthful. Tea is a hot beverage and is also aromatic beverage. If we study about tea deeply we know tea is not an only beverage but is a great nutraceutical hot drink. Tea protects many harmful and common diseases from a human.

Beneficial components tea


Tea contains catechins that are prevented by tumor and anti-cancer stop the carcinogenic cell growth. Catechins provide strength from blood vessel from the body. Catechins reduce the blood sugar level of the body that is good for diabetic patients. Tea is a good source of Catechins.

2.Tea fiber

Tea fiber is good for obesity peoples black tea approximately 6.5% fiber in the form of complex carbohydrates. Tea fiber found in leaf buds. Fiber is a good weight reducer.


Tea also contains caffeine that is removed from headache fatigue and stimulate the body. Caffeine gives dark color from tea. Caffeine is a good mean for the lower cholesterol level of the body.


If we boil more time tea that produces free radical and causes many harmful or new diseases.


Flavonoids are found in tea that is anti-inflammatory agent prevented pain flavonoid is also safe from thyroid problems and help in metabolism of vitamin B9.


Fluorine is abundent amount in teeth paste due protection teeth but fluorine is also found in tea that is prevented dentle and bone problems. Flourine is provide protection acute diarrhea.

6.Vitamin Bcomplex

Vitamin B complex is essential vitamin that is required daily bases from body. Vitamin B is water soluble vitamin and dont store in a human body. Tea is good source of vitamin B. Vitamin B provide help for digestion of fat and catbohydrates and transfered calcium from body . vitamin B remove dryness from body and moisturize the skin. Vitamin B is an anti- pyretic agent.

7. Tocopherol

Tea contains tocopherol. Tocopherol is an necessary component for reproductive health. Tocopherol is an natural antioxident and prevent asthama and infertility.

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