Vegetarian Croque Monsieurs

So today I had to cook a simple and quick dish because I was busy exploring the fantastic city Berlin and therefore didn't have a lot of time. Anyways I wanted to share this recipe with you guys because it's so easy but still tasty!
It is the mediterranean and vegetarian version of french toast. All you need is:

  • Tomatoes
  • Mozzarella
  • Toast (I prefer whole grain toast)
  • Eggplant
  • Olive oil and basil for seasoning

First step is cut the eggplant in slices and to salt them. Then you fry it in a pan with olive oil until they are golden brown.IMG_0686.jpg

Then you take a baking tray and distribute the toast slices on it. Now you only have to cut the tomatoes and mozzarella in slices and put it on the toast with the eggplant on it. To finish you put another toast on it and get a so-called sandwich.
This is how it looks before going into the oven.![IMG_0699.jpg]

Bake it at 200°C for 15 minutes until they are golden brown.

Voilà, bon appetit.

Let me know if you'll try the recipe and if you got suggestions for further posts feel free to write it in the comments!
And are there any Berlin-knowers who know some good restaurants?


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