Onion Pancake 葱油饼


Bought packaged onion pancake from stores for a few times and was really disappointed with the quality - for some reason the suppliers always add as little onions as they could, so I decided to make my own following this Youtube video below. I'm very happy with the end product, I can now add as much onion as I wish, make a batch everytime and store them in the freezer. Highly recommend this recipe!

从商店买了好几次葱油饼,都很不满意,不知道为啥商家都很小气,每块葱油饼都只有零星的葱,一点葱味都没有。于是我决定自己动手丰衣足食,跟着youtube 学做。做出来的结果非常满意,自己想加多少葱就加多少,煎起来香气十足,而且一次可以做一大批,冰在冰柜里慢慢吃。非常推荐这个方子:)

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