Korean Black Bean Noodle 韩国炸酱面



Bought this semi-instant Korean black bean noodle from T&T out of curiosity. The finished product is quite similar to the Korean black bean noodle you can find in restaurants (with less pork maybe?) The noodles in the package are fresh (not the deep fried instant noodle style) and thin, after boiling the noodle briefly, you mix it with the black bean paste sauce pack contained in the bag, the noodle is done. Over all I'd give it 3/5, for I like the texture of the noodle but found the black bean paste a little too heavy.

在T&T 买菜的时候看到这个韩国炸酱面,引起了我的好奇心就买来试试。出来的效果和外面饭店里卖的韩国炸酱面还挺像的。面条是新鲜冷冻,不是油炸的那种,煮好以后拿炸酱包一拌就完事了。我喜欢面条的质感但觉得炸酱有点太油腻了,总评分3/5 吧。

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