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Mandocas with cheese.

Hello friends, today I want to share with all of you a rich and easy recipe of mandocas, a typical dish of Zulla state, Venezuela. It is a fried ring of corn flour mixture, papelón, ripe banana and grated year cheese. It is eaten frequently hot, with grated cheese, butter or margarine.


❶ Tazas 1 cup of pre-cooked cornmeal.

❷ 1/4 kilogram of paper.

❸ 1 ripe banana.

❹ 1/4 kilo of grated hard white cheese.

❺ 2 cups of water.

❻ Frying oil


❶ Dissolve all the paper in 2 cups of hot water and let it cool.

❷ The banana is sautéed until it is soft and a puree is prepared.

❸ Add the corn flour to the paper water and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

❹ Knead until all the ingredients are well united and let stand for about 10 minutes, if the dough is too hard you can add a little water to soften it but taking care that the dough remains homogeneous and firm, when the dough is ready first make balls of dough and then they are shaped into rolls, with which they make a "U" and join at the ends.

❺ Fry in plenty of hot oil, first on one side and then on the other until they are well browned. Once ready, they are served with the rest of the grated cheese.

See you in the next recipe. With Love @Karla01

Author's Photos and Writings: @karla01
