fried rice made with panda dolls

imagehy steemian night, by the way not on the same weekly nightly couple. oiya I am today taking photos with friends eating at the cafe there is a menu of fried rice a la panda dolls look very funny and unique. so want to continue to see addicted fried rice. how steemian friends like it or not. this is very nice. thank you

hy malam steemian, ngomong ngomong tidak pada malam mingguan sama pasangan. oiya saya hari ini mengambil foto bersama teman makan di cafe ada menu nasi goreng ala buatan boneka panda dilihatnya sangat lucu dan unik. jadi pengen ketagihan terus lihat nasi goreng. gimana sahabat steemian menyukai atau tidak. ini sangat bagus sekali. terima kasih

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