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Peruvian fish ceviche

1 kilo of fresh fish fillets
2 corns (corn)
2 to 3 lemon chili (can be used ½ chopped rocoto according to taste)
20 lemons
2 large sweet potatoes
1 large red onion or 2 medium onions
1 ½ teaspoons of salt
½ teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon of Ajinomoto (monosodium glutamate)
4 branches of culantro
1 ½ teaspoons ground garlic (or according to taste)
6 sheets of hydroponic, crepe or organic lettuce

First the fish fillets are washed thoroughly and then cut into small pieces of about 2 cm cubed and placed in a glass container, preferably adding ice cubes to keep it fresh.

Chop the chili pepper or rocoto in small pieces, removing the white nuggets so that it does not bite much (depending on taste).

Cut the onion into long, thin pieces, it is very important, since it must be a feather type. So that the onion does not have a strong flavor it is advisable to place it in a glass container with fresh water and add 1 spoonful of white sugar.

Finely chop the four branches of coriander, removing the stems.

Parboil the choclos and the sweet potatoes (in microwaves 3 minutes for each unit). After boiling the sweet potatoes are peeled and cut into medium pieces like the corn.

Cut the lemons in half and remove the seeds. Then we squeeze them in a glass container. Avoid squeezing the lemons to the maximum, so that the bitter sumo does not come out of the shell. Once you have the lemon juice ready, mix it with the ground garlic, Ajinomoto, salt and pepper for about 20 seconds so that all the ingredients are integrated.

Add the red pepper or chili pepper and the drained fish (without the ice) in the container with the lemon juice, then the onion previously rinsed, so that it will not have the sweet taste of the sugar while it was soaking, and finally the culantro.

Once with all the ingredients in the container, mix well using a steel spoon (never wooden).

Finally, serve on a plate with a leaf of lettuce, a piece of sweet potato, a piece of corn. To accompany the ceviche, it is customary to serve a little mountain range (toasted corn), or chifles (fried banana in thin slices). As a drink it can be accompanied with an ice cold beer or glass of purple chicha.
