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Discussion Food and Agriculture

When the population increase there is an demand of resources that must meets those needs for the quality of life to be sustained dealing with food plus water as a resource. Furthermore, the cattle that is raised to help with some of the food resources such as Cows that produce milk or some of the dairy products, also need to be feed and taken care of so the strain of the food resources in which the United States government along with agricultural organizations plus too food companies have devised ways in meeting the needs of the food supply demand. A couple solutions to the food supply demand is the genetically modified foods, and precision agriculture in which farmers can both use biotechnology to make optimum food that produce more efficiently in a timely manner as well as use precision technological systems to pinpoint the best areas to produce crops for the best results. According to GMO Compass it states," No-tillage practice in combination with GM HT crops and the corresponding plant protection products have improved growers’ ability to control competing weeds, reducing the need for mechanical soil cultivation and seedbed preparation. Farmers are able to plant into a vegetative cover crop without any prior
cultivation, shortening production cycles". Additionally, in a farmers and government perspective GMO food have many benefits that will help answer the food demand, however many holistic practitioners also the people the that follow the lifestyle have their concerns on the health quality. Next, precision agriculture has made farming much more efficient according to the dot com website "Accenture" the site states," Precision Agriculture Service helps farmers gather and cross correlate a wide range of critical data to make meaningful and timely operating decisions that can enhance yield and profitability. Designed for developing countries and smallholder farmers, the Accenture Connected Crop Solution can enable agro-input providers to boost field agent productivity and help farmers improve yields by providing fertilizer, pesticide, and seed recommendations personalized for each farmer’s land and needs". In retrospect, both GMO foods with the added technology of precision agriculture the supply demand of food can meet the needs at the quality level economically, and productively.



