Mix and Match

How do you prepare food? Do you plan ahead of time or are you like me, who makes plan upon seeing what's in the pantry before making a meal plan?

Yes, I'm like that! I don't plan ahead when preparing our daily meals. My husband just make sure that the fridge and pantry has something I can use to cook such as meat, vegetables, fruit, etc. We are adapting Keto diet because my husband has type 2 diabetes and keto diet makes his condition better with no medicine needed.

Mix and match whatever available ingredients I have. Cooking stimulates my brain and enhances my creativity. I believe food preparation is an art, an edible art which I and my family really enjoy. I enjoy preparing and cooking meals, my boys enjoy eating them.

Breakfast Menu:
Pork Curry
Pork Steak w/ grilled tomato
Cheesy Carrot-cucumber Salad
Boiled Egg
Red Rice

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