The Health Benefits Associated with Leeks

Hey folks @cryptokraze here with my new Blog about Food and Health awareness in which I will highlight the health benefits associated with Leeks. We should add variety of foods in our diet because they have bio-active components in them that help in preventing many diseases and provide other health benefits.

Health Benefits of Leeks

The health benefits associated with leeks are as under:

Improve Eyesight

Leeks are rich in vitamin A, vitamins needed to maintain normal eye function and overall eye health. Leeks are also rich in antioxidants that resist free radicals that penetrate the body and prevent it from causing damage to the eyes. If not avoided, free radicals can cause age-related macular degeneration and other eye problems. Vitamin A helps your eyes achieve the better vision in low light conditions because it improves night vision.

Help Prevent Cataracts

Fresh vegetables are a good source of zeaxanthin and lutein. Both of these compounds are very beneficial to your eyes. Zeaxanthin and Lutein protect sensitive eye tissues from harmful UV rays. What's more, they protect your eyes from the development of cataracts. The American Optometry Association recommends 12 mg of these two compounds to obtain these benefits.

Keep Skin Clean and Healthy

Many skin problems/ damage caused by free radicals. Skin problems such as wrinkles, dark spots, etc. are the result of oxidative damage caused by these free radicals. Antioxidants in green onions can fight free radicals and delay the aging process. Leeks contain allicin. Compounds that have antibacterial properties and expel skin from other bacteria and foreign invaders. It is also antifungal and antiviral. After allicin is digested in the stomach, it produces sulfenic acid, neutralizes bacteria and many other microorganisms that can cause infection into the intestine.

Leeks are Diuretic

Leeks are natural diuretics. It can help you increase the amount of water and sodium released from your urine. Natural diuretics are beneficial to hypertensive patients and help protect kidney function by reducing the accumulation of water-soluble salts or toxins. Diuretics work by helping your kidneys to remove more sodium from the urine. Sodium extracts moisture from the blood and releases pressure on the blood vessel walls. Blood pressure is often referred to as blood pressure.

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