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Easy DIY Granola Recipe: Healthy & Cheap

I've been dabbling with granola for a while, as I pass it in the supermarket often and it just looks so damn delicious.

I often pick up the box and think "I am definitely buying it today", but then flick over to read the ingredients and sugar content, and sheepishly put it back on the shelf. "No, I will not eat my daily sugar allowance in one serve of cereal."

Then I'll get all smug and remember I can make my own granola for less money, higher quality ingredients and a lot less sugar. I just need to pull that lazy stick out of my arse and get to it.

It really is very quick to make, so don't go thinking about your lazy stick. You can make this in five minutes, then swan around feeling smug for the 10-15 mins it is in the oven.

You don't need fancy equipment, I get by with a bowl, a chopping board, cup measurement and a good butchers knife.

The beauty of making your own granola is that you change the ingredients depending on what mood you are in. Feeling tropical? Add some coconut.

So here's what you need:

2 cups oats
1 cup chopped nuts (I use almonds and walnuts)
half cup seeds (pumpkin and flax)
half cup chopped dried fruit (apricots, dates and sultanas)
3 tablespoons maple syrup
3 tablespoons melted coconut oil

Preheat your oven to 170c. Get out a baking tray/sheet or a big baking dish.

With the nuts, I just pop them onto a chopping board and run my butchers knife over them until they are at least in quarters. Likewise with the dried fruit.

Throw all of the ingredients into a bowl and give it a good mix with a metal spoon until all of the mixture appears to be covered in syrup and oil.

Pour these out onto your baking tray and flatten out so it is no more than 1-2 cms high.

Pop into the oven for 10 mins. Test after 10 mins to make sure it is not burning. If it doesn't feel right, leave it in for no more than another 5 mins. It will get crunchier after you take it out of the oven and cool down.

Once it is out of the oven, leave it on the baking tray to cool and try not to eat it all while it's hot.

Store in a airtight container in the cupboard for up to a week.

Eat with milk (esp. good with almond milk), Greek yoghurt and fresh fruit or just as a snack!IMG_20171027_102313653_HDR.jpg