sweet butter bread

Happy and blessed day friend reader, this time I bring you the recipe of the house of sweet butter rolls, I will give you an illustrated version of how to make them .. you have to try them and I hope you like them! ...
A pleasure to your palate ...

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500 gr of all-purpose wheat flour
150 cc of water or milk
120 gr of sugar
50 gr of butter
2 tablespoons freeze-dried yeast (instant or dry yeast)
1 egg
1 tablespoon of butter essence
1 pinch of salt

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To begin a pre-ferment is carried out where in a container the yeast with half of the water or milk is placed, it is added 1 spoonful of the sugar and a spoonful of flour, it is mixed ... this is left to rest for 5 to 10 min until it looks foamed ...

It is placed in a flour inn, making a kind of dimple in the center, in this part the yeast, the sugar, the egg, the pinch of salt and the rest of the water are placed with the essence,
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It is mixed by hand, a kind of viscous mass is formed, after this you are adding little by little the margarine (it should not be cold) ... the sticky then it is removed with the kneading and more flour,
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Amass for 10 min, knead and add flour until it takes off from the inn ...
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Then let rest for 30-40 min,
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After this time you knead the dough again and make the loaves and put them in a butter tray, let it rest 15 min more and put in the oven for 30 minutes on medium heat, or until the loaves are golden.
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Ready our sweet butter rolls!
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