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Photographs Of Flowers Help Take The Edge Off Of Winter

My mind continues to be drawn to Spring and Summer and the wonderful flowers that bloom. February is coming up on us fast which is always the hardest on me with Seasonal Adjustment Disorder (I need sunlight). I will be starting seedlings for moving to the greenhouse soon. I usually plant petunias and onion seed in February. It helps take the edge off of the winter, which has a ways to go here. Reviewing my photographs from last year and some the year before always, helps take the edge off of winter blues.

I am going to start here with some photographs of my Peonies from last year. I do not think I posted any of these:

Peonies 3.JPG

This first shows 3 varieties that we have.

Peonies add log.JPG

The last of the peonies also includes some irises in the background and some volunteer violas toward the front.


The next two were taken in Port a Varta, Mexico two years ago (I do not know the names of these):

Mexico flowering shrub.JPG

Flower Mexico.JPG:

I have many photos from the trip to Mexico, so hopefully I can get through the 800 or so pictures for future posts. I had just gotten my Canon and was still learning.

This last one took awhile to get, but I always know summer is fast approaching when the hummingbirds arrive. They are the last to get this far north and the first to leave to head south.


I am glad I have this opportunity to share these with you.

I also wanted to mention that if I miss anyone's reply to my post it is not intentional. There are times I am responding back to your comments and have so many to respond to that some get overlooked, or I put it off because I have used up so much of my steem power for the 24 hour period that I try and let it rebuild. I sometimes miss the reply until the 7 days are up. For those who share photos instead or in addition to comments I appreciate it, and feel it adds to my blog. I thank you all for them. I may not always comment, or even upvote if there are many from the same people. Do not take this personally either, I am trying to spread my steem power around and when low, saving some for new people who are doing their first comment on the post. I trust everyone will understand this.

I have another post coming of video clips of wildlife that I have not yet posted.

What do you think of my new logo for my photos? I would like to thank @ikrahch for making the logo for me. Check out her blog she has some amazing photographs posted.