Brief story of four flowers

Hello see you all again with me.
On this afternoon I would like to tell you a little of interest there is in our environment, that is related to four flowers.



Four o'clock flower of origin of South America has many colors, including red, yellow, white also. The difference in color between each other based on the event by gene, e.g. R = gene for flower red and r = gene for flower color white, if both are crossed then it will produce pink flowers.



Referred to as the flower blooms usually four in four in the afternoon, when it is due to the presence of light stimuli, the movement is called fotonasti. These plants included in class Dicotyledones, namely a class of plants that have two pieces, seeds have petals with multiples of 4 to 5, as well as the menjari of the leaf veins. In addition to ornamental plants, flowers, it serves also as a border fence. We can be found in the lowlands as well as the many hills it gets Sun.



In addition to the four beautiful flowers, also has many benefits for mankind. Its content in the form of betaxanthis, a substance of fatty acids and acidic substances oil can be used as medicinal pelancar blood circulation and set of urine (diuretic). In addition, flowers that have a binomial name '' mirabilis jalapa '' this could relieve tonsillitis, strep throat, cough up bloody, cancers, kidney stones, gall stones, and diabetes. One of its benefits is very important for women is vaginal discharge, can overcome the hard boiled enough interest at four with pomegranate skin dry or Aloe Vera, then drink. Despite the many benefits, pregnant women is not recommended for consumption and for boiling his prohibited use tools made of iron.

Thank you for reading the article white roses pictures, hopefully useful!

My best regard


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