benefits of hibiscus flowers for hair

Hi all steemian, wherever you are now, good afternoon i will post about the benefits of hibiscus flowers for hair ...

hair is the crown of women. When you experience hair loss, various ways are certainly done. But apparently hair loss can be overcome with the efficacy of a famous flower in the community, the hibiscus flower. Starting from using a special shampoo to use herbal remedies for hair.


How to care hair


  • Coconut oil
  • Hibiscus flower

How to make:

  • Destroy the leaves of hibiscus and petals in a container. Add the coconut oil to the mixture, then put in the bottle. Leave it for one night for the oil to absorb the nutrients from the hibiscus leaves. We recommend using a transparent bottle.

  • The next morning, apply this oil to your hair and massage your scalp gently. Massaging the scalp can improve blood circulation, which helps hair growth.


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