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Is There a Way For Us NOT to Get Sucked Into the New Flag War?

Do you like action movies? Yes, no?

If you'd had the possibility to act in one, would you? Yes, no? What if you would only show up in a scene and your only role would be to die in pain?

If that movie would suddenly become reality, would you still want to be part of it? Yes, no?

I watch action movies, but I answered no the everything else. But of course, war is not always like in the action movies, can be much smoother than that. And you can be in a middle of one without knowing it.

Not surprisingly, we have a new flag war on Steem. And there are big players on both sides of the barricade.

I do have an opinion about this flag war, and I'm sometimes highly disturbed by its effects, even if they haven't touched me, but I won't expand on that, because that's just putting gas on fire.

In this flag war, the side which follows its interests disregarding potential moral or long term implications of their actions may have the upper hand, especially since the psychological effect of a big downvote is much higher than the same, for a big upvote.

The free downvote pool just gave them more and enhanced ammunition.

The only way the opposing (or healing) side seems to be able to fight them is by attempting to bring more people into the fight. More scattered targets, less chances to get hit by a... bomb.

Innocents fall in this flag war. I've seen introductory posts getting hit by bombs... But it's a war, and they are only meant to play in a scene, then die in pain.

This flag war or the following won't end. I guarantee you that.

Before HF21 it may have been a "World War". Maybe now it's a "Cold War", with clear sides forming, and with enhanced weapons.

Soon the war will go into the next phase. The trending page will fade out as a priority to fight for. But fight will continue for Tribes and Hive Communities trending pages. War will not be generalized, maybe, but will migrate toward single interfaces and their trending pages.

Then, it will be something like today's real-life war. You hear about, let's say Siria, maybe you emphasize (or not) with civilians for half an hour, then you go back to dealing with the jungle around you, or maybe it's a war in a jungle, who knows?

Unfortunately peace is deprecated. Did we ever have peace in the history of mankind or only longer truces? We are always at war. Sometimes we know it, sometimes we don't.