Big Jack

IMG_20181114_110158.jpg Sometimes I do the dumbest things. I saw this bunch of fish pushing water and they were coming straight for me, so I wait til they get close enough and pitched my line right in the middle of them. This big bugger took the bait and the fight was on, round and round the boat. when we were both wore out I got him close enough to put in my landing net. I had to lift him straight up or it would have broke my net. I guess it is about 15 pounds. I had to change hooks because he had almost straightened mine out. The fish houses do not buy them this big so I threw him back. It was still alive and kicking. It is a jack . They are edible if you bleed them when first caught, they also have a streak of red meat that you need to cut out of them, it has a strong taste to it. We have made fish cakes with them but there is better fish to eat. The small ones are better to eat.

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