My first fish ever

As per my last post, I have just taken up fishing, with no success so far, but now that has all changed. Success at last!

I bought a new rod, primarily with the purpose of catching Bass. Not the cheapest hobby considering the prices in South Korea nearly twice that of the US or EU. The bigger the brand, the bigger the multiplier as far as prices are concerned. So instead I bought a Korean brand rod, at a slightly more reasonable price, within my budget.

I started fishing mid afternoon on the lake nearest me, the same place as last time. The locals told me it did have a small population of Bass, Carp and a few others.

My first catch was tiny, but it was the most exciting thing I ever experienced (well pretty high up on the list anyways). I never realised the rush it gives you.

My first fish from south korea - a large mouth Bass)

So my first catch was a (small) Large Mouth Bass. Very beautiful fish. I quickly took a picture, unhooked it and returned it to the lake from whence it came. Even releasing it felt great, odd considering I was the one who caught it in the first place.

Wanted to experience that rush again, I kept fishing and fishing and fishing, but no bites; until just after the sun set and I was getting ready to pack up, and another fish bit. It was like a shock of electricity down my arm. Slightly bigger this time, a River Tarpon.

A river tarpon

It seems the are quite common in the are, but not this particular lake, so very happy. Again quickly unhooked and returned to lake.

Neither fish is an edible species.

I never realised how thrilling it was to catch fish. This will likely be my main hobby while I live in Korea, until my return to the UK next year.

All fished returned to the lake and never kept out longer than necessary. I also hold them in the water, passing water through their lungs, allowing them to recover before letting them safely swim off.

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