Fishing my new obsession

Sooo.... not much blogging of late, as been so busy with family, taking Korean lessons (I am really bad at languages it seems) and now my new hobby: fishing.

I haven't fished since I was 15 years old, but have always wanted to get back into it. Lots of fond memories with friends, family, especially with my Uncle in France who rented land near a small lake. I spent most of my time catching nothing, but just loved the way it seemed to still the mind.

A small lake is near to the flat I am staying at, the weather amazing, so I thought why not buy a fishing pole and give it a try. So off to the shops I went, bought a budget asian style fishing pole; the type with no reel, just pole, line, floater and hooks.

The scenery was amazing:

The above picture of my pole catching absolutely nothing

I may not have caught a single fish, but loved watching other people fish... and also catch nothing. Unity in failure :)
One of the most relaxing days in years. Very therapeutic and just what I needed to get me out of the funk I was in.

A panoramic shot of some of my fellow fishermen chilling, with several bottles of beer...

I must have fished for 8 hours with no success, but the end of the evening was the best part. The setting sun looked spectacular leaving me feeling so chilled. Great day, will defo do again.


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