"Independence" day?

It's a sad and dire commentary on the state of this nation that we have been reduced to celebrating Independence Day in "the Land of the Free" with fireworks made not in America, but imported from China. 😞

Don't get me wrong, the Chinese fireworks are nice, but many are similar in their effect (and limited to 6' in California). Every 4th reminds me of all the commercial firework manufacturers in America that are no more, too many to list. No more Night Howlers. The majestic gold and silver fountains we enjoyed as kids are long gone along with the firecrackers that used to come in the assortment boxes. Whistling fireworks and ground bloom flowers are also now illegal in California because of idiots. Even pinwheels are unavailable now. 😞 Some states have made fireworks illegal for their citizenry entirely, even for those who would use them safely (the bad apple in the barrel analogy).😕 Of course, banning them only encourages people to get them from another state.
I will still celebrate Independence Day, but rather wistfully.

Welcome to Amerika, comrade.

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