Credit Bubble on the verge of pop?


The Clinton era de-regulation of financial services markets was highly de-stabilizing. The far sighted New Deal policies created the longest, largest economic boom in history, and as soon as Reagan meddled with them we had disaster after disaster. Savings & Loan crisis, runaway inflation, Internet stock bubble, consumer goods bubble, mortgage bubble (creating housing price bubble), credit bubble.

Now the whole stock market is insane because the elites asset stripped the middle class for 40 years, moved jobs overseas, expropriated the large productivity gains of automation, downsized quality, quantity and affordability of education and got us into insane levels of debt personally and nationally while the tax structure became increasingly regressive. The inflation of health care and Real Estate relative to middle class incomes also produced unsustainable life styles, as paying over 1/3 of income for housing makes household finance fragile and the bottom half of Americans are one hospital stay over their insurance cap away from bankruptcy and eviction.

The stock exchanges have become a Ponzi scheme with valuations of growth stocks in the stratosphere, like Icarus too close to the sun. The global majority of assets BY FAR are unregulated and un-reported DERIVATIVES, bets on future prices. There is no place to continue getting the high returns, and too much savings by Billionaires, far too little by wage earners and salaried workers. As FDR told the robber barons in 1933, soon the pitchforks will be at their palaces unless they share the cake - because the peasants have no bread. The modern day Marie Antoinnettes will be losing their pretty little heads.

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