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Hello my friends Steemitans!!!!! to get started:

Caring for your economy is a task of utmost importance and to which you must pay close attention. Here are some tips you can apply in your financial life to ensure you achieve economic stability in the future. Attentive!

The objective is to be economically aware so that you can manage your finances with intelligence, for which you must learn to make sound decisions. You can not go around spending everything you earn, because preparing for the future is important.


Financial decisions to guarantee economic stability to your future self

Handle your economy with intelligence at 20 will help you to be calm when they reach 30. And this is what you must take into account to achieve it:

1. Take control of your finances:

Write it all down! It is necessary that you keep a record of your income, and of course, of your expenses, however small they may be. If you buy a sweet, write it down in a notebook.

For that you can get an app that helps you with the task of registering all your finances.

2. Be conscious with your expenses:

Buy what you really need, although it is not about not indulging your whims and buying those shoes so eccentric that you saw in the showcase and stole your heart. The idea is that most of your expenses are really necessary, so ask yourself everything you are going to buy and if after asking you a thousand times if it is something worthwhile, your answer is yes, go ahead. But if there is at least a little doubt, it is best that you forget it. Your pocket will thank you!

3.Be smart with credits:

Not taking credit sounds like the smartest thing to do, however, having a credit card can be an advantage worth having, if and only if you handle it smartly. Never allow yourself to accumulate the quotas because then it will go from being an advantage to taking away the peace with the interests touching your back. To understand and choose the credit that best suits you, the best thing will always be that you seek the necessary advice and before accepting, you must be very clear about everything.

4. SAVE UP!:

That is definitely the most important thing. Save on what will ensure a future peace of mind, the main reason why you should not lose your money. Establish your services and distribute your income so that you can choose between 10% and 20% of your income to save.........


Apart remember some tips for financial stability in your home!!

The administration of family resources is very important in times of adjustment. It is not complicated, you just have to make the decision and sustain it. Follow these steps:

1.Define a budget, that is, an estimate of household income and expenses over a period of time (daily, weekly, monthly or yearly).

2.Define a saving amount It is recommended that it be at least 10% of the family income. Saving helps you face emergencies and avoid debt.

3.Control expenses Keep a record of all the expenses that the family makes each day, be it in cash, with a card, a transfer, etc. Then separate them into fixed ones (for example, food purchases at the supermarket) and variables (for example, food at a restaurant), so you can identify the variable expenses on which you can make cuts.

4.If you use your credit card, try to pay the total statement of account each month and in case you defer, take into account the duration of the good (if it is consumed quickly, it is better to pay current).

5.Review each week the budget in relation to expenses and discuss with your family how they can adjust to cover fixed expenses. Do not exclude the possibility of taking a vacation, eating out occasionally, buying gifts for children, etc. Apply all your organization and perseverance.


Actually this topic is very intense and extensive ... this is only to have an idea and a basis with respect to the financial stability of the now and the future ... soon I will continue writing more!!


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