Why Build Finally Network?


Lets start the story with why? It’s important to be clear with the intention behind this project from the start and share my reasoning and ideas behind creating this platform.

The solutions to these problems should be the guide to creating this platform. If the problems aren’t worth solving then perhaps the platform is not worth creating?

In general creatives are using social media platforms to publish their work and gain exposure. While less necessary over the past few years it’s common to have a central website that links out to social networking site while also acting as a central place to showcase work, sell products or add extra information. Currently Steem apps are just another form of social media, they look and feel like what has come before and are treated as such. A website may link to a users instagram, youtube and Steemit blog. I believe If the Steem network wants to grow it needs to be a more integral part of a creators platform.

What is stopping a creator using a Steem app as their main hub for content/information?

Are there any reasons creators wouldn’t want to use current Steem apps? If they are already using the apps is there any reason why they wouldn’t share the content and help bring more users to the network?


Lack of personality/expression

Everything looks the same. Travel stories, fitness blog, photography, daily vlogger the UI is all the same regardless of how well it fits the creators content.

Lack of control
As a creator there is no control over the user flow. A visitor to your blog may find their way to other content. To the mainstream audience Crypto can have a bad reputation. Couple this with a trending page that is often full of less than quality content and it causes creators to hold back from sharing their content (or not use the blockchain at all).

Lack of features

  • filtering/grouping content
  • Highlight or sticky content?
  • Embed support
  • Membership levels/support features
  • Notifications

With these problems in mind I see the key aims of Finally Network to be.

  1. Act as/replace the traditional ‘website’ for creators. Often creates use many social media sites but still have a home hub website that can showcase their work. Finally can act as that site but automate connections with the Blokchain.

  2. Reduce any barrier to ‘sharing’ content. I hear from people that there is a hesitation to share content from the steem platform to outside networks.

  3. Give extra controls and features not currently available on steem platforms.

Why finally for me?

Personally I like the idea of an internet where creators have the ability to showcase their work in a way that feels right to them. With the current state of social media all content feels homogeneous and is less exciting to explore. Themes aren’t perfect but it feels better than the current status quo of identical social media pages.

I meet a lot of interesting creatives and want to introduce them to the Steem blockchain but hesitate because of it’s reputation (in part due to /trending). I want to help fix that. I like the idea of “hey you’re doing something cool. I can get you setup on the steem blockchain super fast and it’ll look awesome”.

In the next post I’ll be sharing some thoughts on the Finally Roadmap.

Follow @finallynetwork for the latest
Test the beta at finally.network

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