Dog Days (film): Say what you will. I cried twice in front of strangers with no shame

Dogs are an extremely exceptional part of life for me. I think they are for a great many people in the world that are not religiously opposed to the notion. I say this while typing these very words while one of the most important things in the world to me,is lying on a blanket behind me - so perhaps my opinion is a bit biased. Whatever, this movie is awesome for dog owners.


There are loads of people in this film and I had never seen any of them ever before now but i think that it should be relatively obvious both by the name and the first few minutes of this wonderful movie that the people are not really the centerpoint of this movie - the doggos are and wow are they ever cute and captivating.


This is a love story and the overall story actually is a human love-story but for anyone out there that cares about their dog, or ever has had a dog that captivated them, the focus might be a little bit different. The human love stories are fine, but mostly this film focuses on humanity's justified love affair with the K-9's f the world.


This is not to suggest that human love stories are no good but I think that we have already already seen that movie a hundred times over. The lives of the people in this film are intertwined but for the most part they all share a common focus: They all deeply care about their 4-legged friends and this is something I can completely relate to.


You see, I am writing this as i sit inside of a rented condo that I went to extreme lengths to acquire because I will not be separated from my own doggo and the love that the people in this movie feel (or end up feeling) towards their doggie friends is something I can completely identify with and this is the reason that without the aid of excessive alcohol I was teary-eyed on an airplane for hundreds of people to see and felt no shame. Dogs are awesome and have a super special place in my heart.

Therefore, this film (and I am sure this was intentional) already won before the story was even told but the story, although predictable (and if you read my blog much you already know how I feel about predictability) was still so much fun. I don't even care that it took all the usual love-story dips and turns.

I write this knowing completely that my opinion is biased and I don't care. There is a line in this movie that says "dogs open their hearts to us to love, and to be loved..." I couldn't agree more. There is something super-special about dogs that I feel is exemplified in this movie in a wonderful way and perhaps that is why I enjoyed it so much. That and the fact that one of the main characters, Gertrude the chihuahua makes me misty-eyed just seeing her pretty face (featured in the movie poster.) If that makes me weak, then I am perfectly ok with that.

8 / 10

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