"No Mercy (2010)" - The best impressive movie i've ever seen in my life

The best impressive movie i've ever seen in my life

hello steemian. this is not click bait. honestly this is my first time wath korean movie and i'm not like about korean movie. but, this movie has changed my mine. now, i try to looking for about korean movie with hopefully got another impressive. i write this post after watch the movie "No Mercy" and i got so impressive in the best ending and no one can guess the ending if you not watch till the end.

i'm very recommend this film and everybody here shoud wathc that because there are a lot learn about life.

detail about this movie:

Genre: drama, crime

IMDB rating: 7.3/10

and now just a little story why i'm so impressive 

"The film tells the story of a doctor who autopsy the corpse of a woman who was a victim of mutilation, cut off in the neck, both hands and both legs (Only Body & Thigh). A week later the culprit was caught, and asked to be released with the help of the forensic doctor to engineer the autopsy results, by kidnapping the Doctor's daughter who had just returned from America."

i hope you watch the movie and after that we can discuss it in comment bellow.

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