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Lion Suit Conversations: Episode 23 — A Celebration — Die Hard (1988)


"Welcome to the party, pal."

January 2023 / 20m / Music by Brian Stone /

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Story Structure Analysis:

Die Hard IMDb: Link

Die Hard Trailer:

Take a listen. Follow along.
No set schedule, but more to come.

Filmmakers, healers, theorists, poets, stock and crypto traders, videographers, writers, musicians, business owners, carpenters, regular people sharing tricks, techniques, realizations, jokes, and thoughts.

(We are not financial advisors, and no financial advice is given here.)

Available On:

Fountain, Podcasting 2.0 App
Aureal App


LSC 23: A Celebration - Die Hard
LSC 22: Johnathan Lewis - Painting, nature
LSC 21: A Celebration - JAWS
LAC 20: A Celebration - Toy Story
LSC 19: A Celebration - Inception
LSC 18: A Celebration - No Country for Old Men
LSC 17: A Celebration - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
LSC 16: A Celebration - The Graduate
LSC 15: Jared Rauso - Doc Film, Video
LSC 14: Jonathan Wesenberg - Film, TV, life
LSC 13: Zac Hudson - Life, Spirituality, Health
LSC 12: Casey Pierce - Video, film, life
LSC 11: Jonathan Mitchell - Film, TV, life
LSC 10: Joseph Ebanks - Film, art, life
LSC 9: KM Franks - Health, yoga, art
LSC 8: Richard Harper - Music, poetry, travel
LSC 7: Sarah Carter - Writing, education
LSC 6: Ciona Rouse - Poetry, society, art
LSC 5: Graham Fitzpenn - Music, life
LSC 4: Zac Hudson - Health, spirituality, life
LSC 3: Mike Jones - Carpentry, dreams, writing
LSC 2: Schuyler Howie - Video, creativity
LSC 1: Jonathan Mitchell - Film, TV, life

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This episode was also auto-posted through Aureal to our "posts," though not to our "blog," depending on the frontend one uses.

Be well.
(words, podcast promo art, and movie breakdown image are original)
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