Retro Film Review: The Madness of King George (1994)


In this part of the world violent events that have transpired in North America between 1775 and 1783 are referenced as "American War of Independence" rather than "American Revolution". For many people use of "revolution" looks inappropriate because the chief villain of the story escaped the fate suffered by Louis XVI of France and Nicholas II of Russia. On the other hand, there were times that person would have probably preferred to switch places with those two monarchs. Those times are subject of The Madness of King George, 1994 historical comedy directed by Nicholas Hytner.

Script for this film is written by Alan Bennett and based on his widely acclaimed stage play. The plot starts in 1788 when British king George III (played by Nigel Hawthorne), still bitter about the loss of American colonies, starts having abdominal pains and displaying strange behaviour. It doesn't take much for even the most loyal subjects to conclude that His Majesty has gone insane. This situation is godsend to lecherous Prince of Wales (played by Rupert Everett) who conspires with Fox (played by Jim Carter), leader of Whig opposition in Parliament, to have his father declared unfit to rule and himself a regent. In the same time Queen Charlotte (played by Helen Mirren) and William Pitt (played by Julian Wadham), King's loyal Tory prime minister, try to keep King's condition out of public knowledge, but all their efforts are pointless until they find a way to restore monarch's sanity. When conventional medicine of the day fails, alternative solution comes in the form of Doctor Willis (played by Ian Holm), former clergyman who would employ primitive but effective form of psychotherapy.

One of reasons for the success of The Madness of King George - both as a stage play and as film - is in the plot which had some bizarre similarities with more recent problems within British royal family. Just like tabloids today, Bennett's film reveals unglamorous reality behind shining facade of the ancient social institution; just like today, institution of monarchy often includes individuals unable or unwilling to meet challenges of their position. The Madness of King George, on the other hand, doesn't turn into cheap republican propaganda; its tragic protagonist is troubled not only by his own inner demons, but also by hypocrisy, intrigues and sick political ambitions - something which is universal to all political systems. What is best in this film is perfect balance between recreation of known historical facts and author's own use of those facts to create wonderfully humorous scenes.

This balance is matched by grand performance of late Nigel Hawthorne who had (just like many members of the cast) perfected the same role on stage. Hawthorne confidently navigates between ridicule and evoking sympathy for his character. Great acting is matched by Ian Holm who excels as seemingly bland but determined physician who becomes both King's main adversary and saviour. This conflict, which happens in the second part of the film, is so intense that the comedic credentials of The Madness of King George come into question. Yet, even if this film doesn't completely succeeds as a comedy, it also represents good recreation of the history - production design is superb, costumes seem authentic and Handel's music is wise choice for soundtrack. Accurate display of the state of medical science at the end of the 18th Century also provides some laugh (and few winces). As a good combination of tragedy and comedy, individual drama and political farce, The Madness of King George is a perfect reminder that even the most stable institutions still suffer from primal human weaknesses.

RATING: 8/10 (+++)

(Note: The text in its original form was posted in Usenet newsgroup on October 22nd 2003)


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