Retro Film Review: Lost in the Bermuda Triangle (1998)


By the end of 1990s The X-Files finished its transformation from cult science fiction drama into mainstream and immensely successful television product. This reflected on other television producers who tried to create equally successful shows based on the similar formula. Needless to say, few of them managed to repeat success of The X-Files. One of those failed attempts is Lost in the Bermuda Triangle, 1998 TV film directed by Norberto Barba, apparently a pilot for the show never made.

Just like Chris Carter, who built his X-Files mythology on UFOs, scriptwriter Jeff King tried to use another popular fringe science phenomenon - Bermuda Triangle, section of ocean infamous for aeroplanes and ships disappearing in mysterious circumstances. One of people to experience this is Michael Sykes (played by Graham Beckel), workaholic Chicago yuppie who chose worst possible place and time to spend vacation with his pregnant and sick wife Mary (played by Charlotte d'Amboise). Their dream boat cruise in Bermuda ends tragically when Mary gets sucked by mysterious storm which has materialised in the middle of otherwise calm sea. Michael, suspected of murder and baffled with some unexplained things he saw during the incident, decides to locate his wife at any cost. Charly Simpson (played by Christina Haag), a scientist who took interest in his case, is convinced that Mary was transported to another dimension. She contacts Michael and volunteers to help him in his search with her experimental equipment.

What looked like a promising idea - story that would intrigue audience with unanswered questions - is completely ruined by poor execution. Any sense of wonder and mystery is destroyed by Barba's uninspired direction and apparent unwillingness to hide film's low budget. Laughable special effects are matched by uninspired cast and King's script relies on too much melodrama to create any suspension of disbelief. It isn't surprising that the ultimate fate of Lost in the Bermuda Triangle matched its title.
RATING: 2/10 (-)

(Note: The text in its original form was posted in Usenet newsgroup on March 4th 2005)

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