Anime Artform Affluently Affected Alternative...anime movies.


      Tales of robots, cyborgs, androids, steam powered machines, giant mechs...all are told in multitude of stories told by directs. Stories of lose, love, loneliness, and lunacy. This is an anime that has managed to keep its luster even though it is as old as I am. The art is still crisp regardless of age. The DVD version is one that would be best recommended. Don't go trying to find it on the youtube, won't do it justice. This anime is all about the the lines, the music, the stories. The feeling that these features can bring only if you allow yourself to enjoy the emotions.

   Considering that this anime can bring those questions that are being brought to the for front now. Can a robot feel pain? Can one feel lose? Can an android be brought to understand vengeance and the reasoning why its needed to be done? Robot Carnival is an anime that has few human interactions and mainly focuses on the interaction of the robots. It gives the sense that humans are nothing more than a prop in the back ground and only purposeful in the expanse of the robots story. One of the stories (CLOUD) is nothing more than ones android that crosses through the passage of time.

One of a poor drunk caught in the nightmare of machines that take over the city. Creating nothing more than hideous, cracking, demonic robots that do nothing more than destroy to make more of their own. Running from the these creations, the poor drunk is pursued as well saved by the what the Drummer. Its scary enough to cause a few jumps in ones opinion.

Its definitely an anime worth checking out. There are stories that have action, few dialogue, and all about the way the story and music just tends to flow well. The opening of the Movie is hilarious but also disturbing in a sense.
If you are trying to decipher what I'm trying to get at. Just go and watch it.   

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