#Fiftywords: Backyard (Tiny Story)

He guided his fellow soldiers through the flower field. Another story in fifty words.


Another #fiftywords entry, I tired to use the full extent of the theme/prompt and I'm proud of the result. Here's the story below:


"They're here."
He guided his fellow soldiers through the flower field.

"This was your old backyard wasn't it?"
One solider stepped on the roses he had always cherished.

"Does it matter?"
His grip on the shotgun tightened.
"It's their backyard now."

He never thought his home would become a battlefield.


What do you think?

It's not easy to write a story in only 50 words, but trying to shorten a sentence or coming with a better word is fun. I'm glad I got the idea of mashing up "flower field" with "battlefield" as soon as I saw the prompt. Wouldn't have tried otherwise.

If you enjoyed this you might like: "Dead Lands Never Bloom " another fiftywords about war. "Mother's Last Chocolate" about motherly love. And "Broken by Avalanche" about unforeseen mountain accident.
Or you can check my longer stories "Your Heart Would Remember" and "A Fascinating Legacy."

Thanks @creatr for telling me about my mistake.

Photo by Kony Xyzx on Unsplash
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