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Challenge #04184-K166: Isekai'd


[Notification: Demon Lord have been slayed]
[Notification: you have died]
[Executing Purge] [Titles have been revoked] [Skills have been revoked] [passives have been revoked] [Title: Hero, sustained]
[All Bookmarks have been deleted] -- Anon Guest

[AN: This prompt has been altered for brevity]

Waking up in the starter zone felt... different. G'ni reached up and felt hir cheek instead of the soft plastic seal of the virtuality goggles. The smell of the sea air, burned flesh, and rotting corpses was more real than it had ever been. Ze could feel the grit in hir teeth.

New teeth. That was weird.

This was... the game. But it was also real. The good news was that ze knew how to convince the AI companions to be friendly. The bad news was... ze had barely got into Act 2, and ze only knew some spoilers from online searches in real life. Damn hir habit of re-rolling a new character on every mistake.

Ze picked hirself up and checked hir pack. Opening a literal bag instead of opening a HUD window. There was a losenge of black quartz that revealed some potentially useful information.

Those who seek a new life without exploring the fullness of the last will be punished. Play as you would live. Live with the consequences of your decisions. Those words went right into G'ni's head.

They had that feature? They could do that?

Only one way to know for sure. Ze had to do hir best.

There would be no savescumming. No resets. No re-rolls. And judging by hir dress, ze was a Bard of some sort.

Singing to-ra-la-rolly, ze set out to gather the first three from the devastation zone. The secret werewolf, the necromancer, and the barbarian. In that order or one of them would get dangerous.

G'ni decided to gather them all before ze told them about IRL and not being what ze appeared to be. Which was, when ze found a mirror, revealed to be a waiflike, candy pink devilborn with fun buns and usagi braids.

Telling them that ze was really a taller, heavier, older Human from another reality was going to be rough.

[Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash]

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