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Challenge #03984-J332: Early Access


A young mage just learning her magic makes a set of lovely gifts for Wraithvine, Gikka, Lilbit, and their traveling companions. What are they? A special bracelet, or for Lilbit a collar, that scares away all biting insects, fleas, mites, and other such vermin. A great thing for traveling near waterways in warm months when the mosquitoes were getting bad. -- Anon Guest

"It's not much, but it's the best I can do in gratitude," they young mage presented a set of leather straps with brass buckles and softly glowing runes. "Thank you. Thank you for everything."

The gratitude was familiar, and the gifts Wraithvine received were generally received with grace. If ze didn't need them, ze passed them on to the next person who did. What was rare was the fact that Wraithvine had never seen the likes of these trinkets before. They were obviously handmade, and slightly rushed. Just as obviously, the young Wizard Aelinor had done her best.

Wraithvine plucked one from the handful for closer examination. It was an otherwise ordinary leather strap. Made to adjust to any size from the thickest bicep to the thinnest wrist. The runework had been imbued during the carving, and enforced with threads of silver.

Ze could read those runes. A general discouragement aimed at bloodsuckers, to stay away from the wearer of the strap. It was not powerful enough to discourage the larger varieties of bloodsuckers. Just the regular, garden variety pests.

"These could change the world," said Wraithvine.

"They're just prototypes," said Aelinor. "When I get them perfect, I'll teach others how to make them. They could save so many lives. Save so many guardians' sanity."

"You'd prevent thousands of blood infections from mosquitos alone," noted Wraithvine.

"I was initially thinking of lice, but... yes. All of that. And -uhm- If it's not too much to ask? Come find me again when and if they fail with something? I need to know what can be improved."

"It's never too much to ask," assured Wraithvine.

[Photo by Jamie Hagan on Unsplash]

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