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Challenge #03522-I234: Empathic Disability


The CRC and Alliance eventually deports the knomira back to Alliance space for the rest of their prison term, they're pretty beat up, but very much alive, since killing them wasn't allowed. They keep screaming lawsuit. They learn the hard way all that they're going to pay, time and service, for their crimes.
@internutter/challenge-03359-i071-unforgettable-lesson#@internutter/re-bkf-r8p1tm -- The New Guy

Throw enough violent tantrums, and someone somewhere will figure out a way to stop you. On pre-Shattering Earth, some enforcement officers used mattresses between themselves and a thrashing offender. In other places, a sticky foam eventually stilled their bodies.

Greater Deregulation electrocuted their offenders so hard that their limbs were jelly for hours.

It was B'Nar that created the body-lock disc. After a violent cogniscent was stunned, all an officer had to do was place it on their skin, near their brain stem. Nanomachines and microconnectors did the rest. It was painless, without the risk of unintended medical consequences, and non-injurious to the individual it was used on.

It also had the benefit of being operated by remote. It had three modes: freeze, go limp, and ease to safe position.

Freeze, as the name may suggest, locked the body in one position. Go limp turned them into an extremely angry jelly. Ease to safety meant one or the other, without the inherent dangers of inertia or gravity.

It was almost perfect. The only flaw was, thanks to the rights and responsibilities of the Alliance, the offender necessitating its use could still exercise their right to free speech.

Worst-case scenario, the offenders had multiple charges of offensensitivity abuse added to their ticket.

Tourist Will Karinson had a lot of those charges already. They arrived under heavy tranquillisation and had a disc added near the last vertebra of their neck. They would learn, very soon, that the enforcing arm of the Alliance is both gentle and infinitely patient.

After all, if you want to spend more time in remedial therapy, that is your problem.

Will's remote had extra settings to enforce the slowing down and reading the room. The text on those settings was almost worn off from over-use.

"Why should I care about anyone who's in my way?" was Will's common refrain.

"You are here," sighed Therapist Engst, "because you don't."

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / Sylverarts]

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