Challenge #03045-H122: Medicinal Purposes Only


Stranded Human: Does this look infected to you?
Stranded Alien: It looks...abnormal?
Stranded Human: Yeah...I don't think treating this can wait for rescue...
Stranded Alien: (starting to panic a little) How do we treat it????
Stranded Human: We start by collecting some of those plants that were too toxic for me to eat.... -- Anon Guest

"The ones we have to handle with gloves, or the ones that we need a livesuit to go near?"

"The ones we have to handle with gloves. We shouldn't ever try to mess with the other kind," clarified Human Gia. "That stuff's all kill and no cure. Also, advance warning, the whole process is going to get nasty."

Companion Lyl tisked, "This is Deathworlder nonsense. Of course it's going to get nasty." Ze got on hir very special gloves and dialed up the imagery. "These ones, yes?"

"Yeah, those are the ones. There's going to be the kind of processes that can't get anywhere near anything we use for making food."

"Oh, the fun kind of medicinal chemistry," sighed Lyl. "Do we have the vessels and tools to spare?"

"Maybe? We might have to improvise with bits of the wrecked hull. I'll be doing that while you're out gathering... and use the new basket for all of it."

"Understood. You and that injury should not be roaming around the countryside."

By that, Human Gia guessed that his wound was looking more than a bit scary. "I'll stay within crawling distance of the surviving med machines." Not that he was in a mood to go roaming, exactly.

"Don't strain yourself. Also... how many leaves should I gather?"

"Too many. Pack 'em tight."

It took all day to get them, just as it took all day to hammer out a cauldron and weave a sieve for the starting elements of the process. Gia was rigging up a fan to keep the fumes away from their camp when Lyl returned with all the leaves ze could carry.

"Take a breather, I got this."

"I will resume assistance as soon as I am rested," warned Lyl.

There were a lot of steps to the process. Boil the leaves, staying clear of the fumes. Strain the pulp out of the syrup. Render the syrup until thick. Lance and purge the infection, clean the infection, then use the syrup to prevent re-infection and bandage well. The antibacterial qualities of the goop should keep him from further trouble.

He could survive what the other qualities did to the injury site. All the better for helping Lyl survive everything else on this planet.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / pikepicture]

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