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Sundial - Catriona Ward


This was such a great read and, unlike Needless Street, I think it progressively got better. It felt incredibly vague during the first 30% of the novel and when I first understood most of the exposition was going to be made via flashback I was like "oh shucks" - BUT it was REALLY good exposition.

The narrative was so, so good, the characters were so weird and thoroughly unlikable (but the more we got to know them the more I understood why) and I feel like the last 50% of this book was really just 5 stars.

Overall, this was a solid 4.5 star read. I liked how open-ended this felt (was Annie the "evil dog" all along? Would she hurt Irving's mistress? I enjoy that this was not the focus of the story and that we only got to understand how really messed up the younger daughter was by the end of the story). The setting was arid, uncomfortable, icky. I felt so sad every time a development regarding the children's past came to life...

And the dogs... oof. Such a hard plotline. hit like a bullet-train out of hell. I feel like Sundial deserves 5 stars rating from me. I still can't stop thinking about it and how I'd like to discuss this with everyone who would like to talk about. For me, that's a solid sign I just experienced a stellar read!

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