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#85: Banana Slug - He's heading toward Ernie's


“He’s heading toward Ernie’s “Sally called him. She was standing watch today. Shelby had let it be known to the watch that he wanted to ‘accidentally’ encounter the new guy.

“Thank you Sally.” Shelby replied “This is going to work out just perfectly. Notify Chuck please and tell him also.”

Shelby had been on an errand, it could wait. He diverted to Ernie's. As luck would have it he arrived at the same time that Weldon did. Weldon appeared to be alone.

“AH!” Shelby said “Weldon! Just the man I want to see. Are you free for breakfast? I have something I want to run by you.”

Weldon looked up at the shout, grinned and replied.”Mr.ShelbyArchMageWinslow! Glad to see you. I’d be happy to let you buy me a meal.”


Ernie was in on it. He managed to delay seating them until Chuck arrived.

“AH! Chuck.” Shelby might have been laying it on just a tad thick “Haven’t seen you in a long time! This is Weldon. He’s new. We’re just going to have breakfast. Care to join us?”

“I’d never pass up an opportunity to let you buy me BreakFast Shelby” Chuck said. Shelby had been a big man before he lost his legs. For some reason he tended to hover lower, closer to the ground now . Chuck was a bigger man than Shelby but Weldon was just huge. He’d played college football. The two of them looked at each other over the top of Shelby’s head. Chuck winked.


“So there you have it” Shelby told Weldon “Chuck, and by that I mean all of us because the job Chuck is doing is absolutely vital, has a problem. If Chuck has a problem we all have problems. Would you be interested in seeing what you can do to fix it?”

Weldon grinned “You know. It’s odd that you mentioned that. The wife and I just had a little discussion the other day. Survivors have to change with the times. We mean to survive. We want to join the WaterTribe if you’ll take us.”

“Of course we’ll have you” Shelby was only partially feigning astonishment. “Was there ever any doubt? We wouldn’t have rescued you otherwise. You’re family now.”

“Just wanted to be absolutely clear” Weldon had a little catch in his voice. There must be a little bit of dust in the air.

“That said” he continued “Yes. I absolutely am interested. In fact this is right in my wheel house. I had....”

They talked for a few more hours. Eventually Shelby got a call.

“I got to go now Guys” Shelby said “Ya’ll work it out. Lemme know what you come up with at coffee tomorrow morning. Bye now”

and he was off...


The Previous Episode was
#84: Banana Slug -Food…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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generally talk about anything that strikes my fancy

When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media

it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
SteemPunk Snail Image from Pixabay
