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High AF : Food Fight Friday

This should be interesting…

To fill you in, I woke up this morning with a pesky bug bite on the back of my calf. Of course the sleeping biters never touch @dandays but always seem to feast on me. It itched, I scratched (a little), complained to Dandays and then took off on my run- business as usual.

When I got back I began my stomach and leg exercises, showed Dandays again how many bumps I had, apparently the bites spread to my ankles, foot and opposite leg, then kissed him goodbye as he headed to the gym. As soon as he left I noticed that my entire other calf was covered in welts (wtf). I immediately stopped stretching and started examining my body. Holy shizz, the welts were blanketing both legs now, all the way up to my waist. I began panicking (slightly) and rapidly sending Dandays pics along with calm texts (😉), showing him how I’ve just broken out into a full blown allergic reaction.

This is where it gets interesting…

He came back to the house quickly with some pharmaceuticals in hand and insisted I take “two of everything”. Plus, we found some Benadryl I’ve been dragging along with us on our travels so I took that too, for good measure. Now I’m here in the @foodfightfriday blogesphere writing my Food Fight Friday post high as sheet 🤦🏼‍♀️ . So before we commence forth I’d like to ask everybody to forgive any and all errors for the Benadryl and Greek windex (get it? The movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding cures all ailments with windex) have me feeling like a rockstar, I mean rocketh stareth.

Happy Food Fight Friday Everyone! I bet I won’t see any turkey dinner posts this round 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh lord, the drugs are really kicking in now. I think I have one eye open still so I’m going to try and persevere. Isn’t that what winners do?

Above is a typical dinner plate I’ve been making lately. Our feasts are all consumed with veggies of all types these days. It’s amazing because the olive oil in Greece is the best in the world, in my opinion. Usually, I chop up a bunch of veggies, some potatoes (both sweet and sour), then roast on high for about 30 minutes. My only seasoning is oregano, freshly minced garlic, fresh ginger, salt, pepper and olive oil. I swear I could live off these meals.

This particular din din was double stuffed sweet and regular potatoes accompanied with roasted Brussels and squash, on the side of a modern Greek salad. Yes that’s feta cheese on there. What’s a Greek salad without some good ol authentic feta?


The filling: chickpeas, corn, peppers, squash, onion, garlic, mashed potato guts.


Throwing down in this tiny little kitchen…




And the finished product…



Why, that is a mini piece of spanakopita you see. It was given to me by the local bakery down the street. I stop in there weekly and buy a box of sweets to bring into the refugee center downtown. The spanakopita is amazing too.

Oh, and I’m sure you’re jonesing to know what we had for Thanksgiving so here it is…


… Thanksgiving dinner, Greek style.

Now, excuse me while I get my nap on 🥶


Peace be with you my Food Fight Peeps ✌️
