RE: Massive drop in births and fertility in 2023! I wonder why?

This is very sad. Predictable, but very sad.

If birth and fertility continue to drop, suddenly all those young couples who say they don't want children, will desperately want children. It's human nature to want what we can't have, even if we didn't want it when we could have it.

It's like primary elections in the US, where citizens vote for their candidate, but so many people turn their noses up and say they won't vote and that those who vote are part of the problem. Yet if their primary vote is taken away (which is likely to happen someday as it switches to a caucus) suddenly all those non-voters will flip out, crying over how their voices have been silenced.... except they never voted, so what's the difference? The difference is that people never want their options taken away, even if they profess it's an option they don't want. Whatever option is taken away is the option everyone will suddenly desire.

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