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feng shui part two and the fountain of youth


My dining area lands in the feng shui gua that influences creativity. Where is this area in your home that affects the creative energy of your home? Starting from your front door, the area that is the center and right hand side your home is the creativity and children gua. Since children are an energetic example of unstoppable and outside of the box thinkers, children and creativity go together for this section of the home.

My dining table is where I eat, entertain, and oftentimes, write. Near me I have my bookcase of recipe books, children’s books, and books on travel and health. My frog sits on a bowl where I keep my vitamins which I take regularly. And below my frog sits a family calendar that I designed on top of a pretty case containing a collection of teas. A tiny bit of this creativity gua shares space with my exercise equipment which also touches into the health gua. For me this space works for me and charms me. If you are feeling not inspired to exercise or take care of yourself, I encourage you to put your fun and health stuff together in your creativity gua.

My creativity gua is a cheerful area that touches just south of my relationship gua. I wonder if I keep the patio door open, the energy between the two spaces will flow better. Now that the patio is no longer a smoking room, I will be more conscientious to enjoy the clean fresh air and birdsong, the sound of children laughing outside from the school next door, and the connectedness of my relationship gua with the creativity gua.

Here’s an example of how the chapter on creativity opens:

Having used this book so many times over the years, today was the first time I noticed that the creativity gua can be enhanced to deter aging. That makes perfect sense. All my adult students that are studying piano as their hobby and relaxation project ALL have a spirit of youth and fun. I adore them! Creativity is not only for the young, being creative makes you FEEL young. If you are feeling too stuffy for yourself and want your spirit to feel lighter and brighter, I encourage you to enjoy and develop your hobbies be it a musical instrument, cooking, or art. Metal, water, and the color blue are power enhancers in this area.

As a conscious way of relating to my creativity gua with fresh eyes, I opened my patio door and even added a cowbell on my window sill. Because everyone knows, more cowbell improves everything!

Stay tuned for my next post where I tackle the kitchen. The kitchen is the helpful people and travel gua of my home.