Feminism & Motorcycles


 I wanted to finally write about being a female in the biker community. Especially a single female in a biker community. If you have a significant other - getting dudes to leave you alone is much easier. However, I am single and hate making up a boyfriend to keep men away. My personal belief is why can't they control themselves? Just because I am single does not mean that I am also interested right away. They hope that I am interested or want them back but it is usually not the case.

I hear it time and time again when I end up ending "friendships" with these males because they couldn't stay friends. I hear it from other biker guys "well, I can't blame him". You can't blame someone for having lack of accountability and discipline around the opposite sex. REALLY… are you serious?    Having men as just platonic friends is nearly damn in possible in life in general. Adding motorcycles to the mix only seems to emphasize that fact. I have had to remove several males from my life including on social media due to their antics. Then they talk about me in a negative manner and make up stories about what I have said or done. Nothing I can do about them except remove them and let them talk.   I am currently spending a lot of time with one guy friend and everyone is assuming we're dating/fucking. That's how it works with males and females spending time together. As if it is impossible for the opposite sex to be just friends. I let people in my life and will hang around them until I feel it is no longer benefiting me positively. My friend Esau is a very good friend and has not said/done anything inappropriate toward me. It gives me hope that there are guys out there I can be friends with and not have any of the sexual tension [from their end].  

 A lot of males in the bike community want to ride with me. I know the main reason is because I am a girl and they find me attractive. The hope on there is they will get to fuck me or date me or something. I usually have to have this mentality to be on guard because it is so constant and common place. I don't ride my bike with strangers or randoms. The reason is mainly safety of being a lone female around a ton of males. I have to have my wits about me and go to events that I feel comfortable in. The comments and shit I deal with on a regular basis is pretty disgusting. It is unfortunate that still to this day females have to deal with such overt sexual harassment from men.   

Now do not get me mistaken because there are many women "bikers" who gives us actual riders bad names. These females and males do this too. It is just rare to have girl riders to begin with and then they go out and give us female riders bad names by their shitty behavior. One girl I won't name is married and "rides" I put it in parenthesis because not many females actually ride and put on miles. They get a bike because its "cool" and don’t ever/barely ever ride it. There are a ton of males who do the same thing. I think it's just more common place to know there are males who do not ride. When there are females who ride the assumption is that we ride for attention. Super frustrating because there are some of us who ride because we enjoy it.   I am apart of a few Facebook pages and a lot of them involve misogynistic comments toward women riders. Sometimes I want to comment troll on the men but other times I just have to roll my eyes and ignore it. I won't change much by commenting and then their eyes will be like the tower of Sauron and be fixated on me. Then I get picked on, bullied ,sexually harassed and the like.   I am doing my best to take a lot of this in stride and deal with it the best I can. 

I know I pose on my bike in a sexy way but my photos don't define who I am. It doesn't make me less of a rider or an attention seeking whore. In the last 2 months I put on 3,400 miles and if any females wants attention she just has to go out or go to every bike rides that are setup. I barely ride with other groups - not that I have to explain myself but sometimes it helps since people love to make assumptions. Anyway it's funny because a lot of these photos are honestly for myself. I never was confident and loved myself like I do today. Being single has led me to a more insightful state of being. I can be sexy, independent, confident, interesting, fun, pretty, cute, bad-ass, a mechanic, a horse lover, an artist and whatever else I want to be. No one defines who I am and what I am worth but myself.   

I only recently became known in this biker community and at times I regret it. So much drama, shit talking and lies that don't seem to stop. The reason I am here is not for those hatefilled people. I ride because it is a challenge that brings me joy. I love how it has brought me to become more limitless. My goal is to at least wheelie my f4i and if I like it then move to more difficult stunts. 

Pic below is me after making my 2k miles in around 4 weeks on my new bike.

I am a feminist and I will continue to demand respect or remove people who don’t treat me with any.


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