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Feathered Friends!

Because having Friday as part of the tag is confusing, I am wondering if we should change the tag to #featheredfriends to eliminate the belief that bird posts must be posted on Friday.

What do you think? Do you like #featheredfriends better?

Both white breasted nuthatches and red breasted nuthatches visit my feeder, but the white breasted birds stay here all year around.

They are such acrobats and it is fun to watch them climbing head-down on the trunk of trees looking for insects and seeds that they cache for winter.

It is a dark overcast day here and these are all though the window shots that I took between snow squalls this morning.

red-bellied Woodpecker.

Northern Flicker

There were a pair of Northern Flickers visiting today. They are not regulars, but they do stop by quite often.

The juncos returned, just like clockwork, with the first significant snowstorm. They nest as far north as the Arctic, where they go to live out the summer months. I was having difficulty getting a clear shot of one, but it wasn't until I put the photos on the computer that I saw this photo bombing mourning dove on the same branch behind the junco.

What are your thoughts about using #featheredfriends for our ongoing challenge?

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Shadow Photo Contest--Round 92- Show Me A Shadow

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