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Day 6 without any food...

Wow, here I am on day 6 of a water fast...

I had some minor left side kidney pain last night, aside from that, just resting as much as possible...

As Arnold Ehret stated, (not verbatim), “during a fast, we are truly on Nature’s operating table”...

The evening of day 7 (tomorrow) officially marks the end of my 7 day fast in hours...

I will break this fast with a freshly squeezed orange juice tomorrow evening, & I will have my first meal of melon (mmmmm) the following afternoon...

I was expecting more detoxification symptoms to be honest, if it weren’t for my mind, I feel as if my body could fast another week no problem...

I find that the mind is one of our biggest obstacles when it comes to health, the body is always ready for what is optimal, but the mind, it can play tricks, undermine, instil doubt, etc...

if anything interesting happens between today & tomorrow, I’ll be sure to share, otherwise, this fast has been a well deserved & needed healing break.

funny how the mainstream information put forth for the masses scares individuals into thinking that they will die in just a week without food, & just a few days without water!!

Here I am almost a week without food & feeling fine, I have also been incorporating dryfasting (no water) here & there as well...

Now if your body is highly toxic, & high protein foods & animal products are in your diet then yes, you could die without food in a week, but why?

Because toxic/unhealthy people must eat often to suppress their bodies uncomfortable eliminations ...

if they do not, their eliminations of their internal toxicity can become highly dangerous & often result in death...

the cleaner/healthier the body becomes on a natural diet, the longer you can go without food & feel fine...

we as a species “devolved” into eating 3 meals a day, which is very unhealthy & insures that no-body ever receives a digestive rest, which is vital if one wishes to obtain health...

Seriously, it’s no wonder there are so many hurting, unhealthy & confused individuals out there... almost every piece of advice or information that is put forth for the public is misinformation, it’s simply untrue & it’s harming people...

Maybe next I’ll make a list of all the lies I’ve uncovered from the #proteinmyth , to the “fruit has too much sugar propaganda, to “you will die in a week without food”...

I suppose you will die in a week without food, if you follow their harmful dietary advice!!

Happy healing everyone ...

#Mariah 🥭 Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self....34616E68-945E-4C1F-A96A-A826361127F5.jpeg