Vintage Levi’s


Vintage Levi 501 for the win!

I’ve professed my love for the classic 501’s many times and finally I own a vintage pair too!

These were made in the USA so these are at least made before 2003, which doesn’t even seem that long ago. I’ll try to narrow down the age of these more at some point.

The sizing is completely different in vintage clothes because companies now do stupid vanity sizing and the number on the label doesn’t actually mean shit. On the modern 501’s I have both 24 and 25 waist, the latter are my ”winter jeans” aka I can fit a pair of merino wool long johns underneath, sexy I know.

Luckily I knew that vintage sizing is different so I knew to look for a bigger pair than what I wear now. I have also tried on a vintage pair couple years back that my sister had found and sadly that 26 waist only made my ass look better than ever but I could not button the jeans at all.

I’ve been wanting to add a vintage pair to my collection for ages and finally took a gamble on w28 l34 pair from a French lady via Vestiaire. The lenght is fantastic and much needed since most pairs in the store now are a 30 leg and that is some midget shit (though they do look good in the summer with sneakers so I have those also).

The 28 waist seems to be very simimar to my winter jeans so my perfect pair would be size 27 I think. I already know I’ll buy more forever. These ones are clearly used a lot because they are so soft, so it’s for a very relaxed look. I do usually prefer the very ridig and thick jean that I can slowly break in myself but I do love variety.




The hunt for a new pair of 501’s is always ON!

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