The growth of Fascism

The reason why countries become fascist states.

This information is taken from my own experiences over a number of years. This for me began in 1994, at that time I had gone into business with the province of Nova Scotia and the government of Canada. I was expected to be at the Atlanta GA [USA] gift show with a new product. I had a lot of work to get done and I had $15,000 of my own money plus I had to get a second mortgage on my house for overdraft coverage. In cooperation with the province of Nova Scotia and the government of Canada I was guaranteed a loan of $10,000. Plus a one-time grant of $14,560. This program was run by Service Canada. It was run by a contractor to Service Canada. It was called Cumberland Development Corp’. I now know the contract they had with Service Canada says that they do not have to account for any of the money that they receive for the loan money or the grant money ( this information was given to me by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada). And as God is my witness, money certainly did disappear. One of the people involved with Cumberland Development Corp. gave up citizenship to Canada and moved to Bermuda. He is known to have left Canada with at least $1 million.

I need to give you some historical back-up.

In Canada we had a new constitution written in 1982. The prime minister at that time was named Pierre Elliott Trudeau. He managed to finally make his way in the Parliament of Canada until he became the Prime Minister. He was from Quebec. He was mostly a republican. And he made an application to the House of Lords in England. He wanted to repatriate the Constitution as he so clearly said to Canadians. He believed that it would be in Canada's best interest to have the Constitution at home so it could be amended without having to apply to England. During the Second World War he was a staunch believer in isolationism for Canada. He would ride around the city of Montreal on his motorcycle shouting at people not to join the war effort. He said it was not our war.

With the Constitution on its way from England to Canada, Mr. Trudeau also decided that he would write a charter of Rights and Freedoms for Canadians. This sounded very nice until we discovered that the Rights and Freedoms of Canadians were not in the hands of Canadians. Mr. Trudeau put them in the hands of the
Judiciary. These judges were appointed by Mr. Trudeau. At this time Canadians had no questions about it. We believed in the politicians of Canada, and common-sense and goodwill. As we were soon to learn these things are not what Mr. Trudeau had in mind.
Mr. Trudeau actually wrote a new Constitution. He scrapped the old one.

When I was a student at University, Mr. Trudeau was minister of Justice for Canada. It was a Liberal Government at the time, and for some peculiar reason Mr. Trudeau brought a serious charge against a citizen of Canada. The trial was held in secret. The person charged was given a code name. His real name was kept secret. As a student we were quite fascinated by this turn of events. And we tried to decipher this code to discover the real name. The name given to him, for the secret trial, was Peter True. Which of course was a code name for Pierre Trudeau. Since Pierre in English is Peter, and True is the slight abbreviation of the name Trudeau. I remember in all the major newspapers of the day that it was speculation gone wild. One newspaper made an application to the court case to be seated at the trial. This was of course not permitted. The Judges had put the wagons in a circle. But what could this charge possibly be about. In fact the charge was never published. Many people speculated that the man who was charged, was of the male gender. But it was not known for sure. Was he perhaps an irritant to Mr. Trudeau. Mr. Trudeau's romantic escapades were well established, well-documented and well, you know quite entertaining. He was often seen in the company of some rather spectacular women. Most were either from the socialite areas of New York City or Hollywood, United States of America. Being of French extraction he didn’t seem too interested in women from France. I personally would like to be on the French Riviera in the company of some French actress. However, he often dallied in the entertainment industry in North America.,A famous female guitar player [acoustic] comes to mind. I was envious.

However, as the trial went on, there was absolutely no details at all about the outcome, or about the charge. Not even a whisper of what the lawyers name was who defended Peter True. It was fascinating. More so because it was a secret. I have recently tried to research this article. It is nowhere to be found. If you Google the name Peter True, there is nothing to be found.

In 1978 the government of Canada created the Federal Court of Canada. This court was created by Pierre Elliott Trudeau. I have a lawyer friend, who I don't communicate with much anymore, and he and I have discussed this Federal Court of Canada. Mr. Trudeau said it was created in 1867. But it did not appear in Canada until 1978. I myself have had three cases heard by the Federal Court of Canada, and I was self represented in all three cases. Not any of the Federal Court judges would allow me to speak. I thought it was my right in Canada to speak. My lawyer friend corrected me on this issue. That is why I now know that no one in Canada actually has any rights, save one. And what is that one you may ask. If you have been charged criminally in Canada, the judge must hear you speak to the charge. He does not have to listen. My lawyer friend was very clear on this issue. He had a self-conscious laugh which he never seemed to bother to hide. He was not happy with the way things went under our new Rights and Freedoms. He began to tell me stories of court procedure that were sketchy, to say the least. In particular he had been involved defending members of organized crime. He would laugh self-consciously and very often looked up at the ceiling and was trying to think of some comforting thing to say or how to avoid giving up too much information. I know him quite well.

Ladies and gentlemen that conscience problem gets solved for Lawyers.

My lawyer friend told me this story about the first day of class for lawyers to be. It is Law 101. And the male judge [it is almost never done by a female judge. It’s always a man who introduces students to their new life], I don’t know why that is, but it is. The judge welcomes all the new students. He now instructs them about what is going to happen next. He has on a table in front of him, glasses filled with sherry. He gets the students to come down and take one. And return to their seats. He explains to the students that there is about to be a small procedure that they all must take part in. And he points to a door in the wall on his left. And then with his other hand he points to a door on his right. He says that after they have had their drink of sherry, they will one by one go through the door on the left and emerge from the door on the right. This peaks the interest of all the students. One student bravely asks what is this all about. The Professor explains that they will be a short medical procedure done. And it is his belief that sherry was appropriate as an anesthetic. So my lawyer friend continues. The Professor asked them all to stand and one by one enter the door on the left. When the door closed behind the first student, there was a slight sound of pain. This raised an alarm of the rest of the students. The professor encourages students to soldier on. And explained that this has to be done if they're going to be successful lawyers. So they continue. Sometimes it was a sound of pain, some giggles, sometimes no sound at all. They all made their way back to their seats. Some seemed dazed, some were blinking their eyes. Others were just quite amused. Before I could get to ask a question, my lawyer friend explained the procedure. He said that to be a successful lawyer, their conscience had to be removed. It was absolutely necessary. That the conscience was a God- damned nuisance. And so it has to be removed. I could not control my laughter. It was completely hilarious. My lawyer friend didn't laugh at all. He seemed in fact to be quite serious. I became quiet and started to think about what he had just said. It made sense to me. I have been in court many times. The lawyers do not have a conscience, and most certainly neither does the judges. But you have to see it from the point of view of the judge. The judge has all of my rights in his hands. If he says I'm not speaking, I'm not speaking. In fact when I was in the Federal Court of Canada, three times, I was not permitted to speak even once. I discussed this with my lawyer friend. He said technically speaking the judge has done nothing wrong. He personally believed it has to do controlling the people. But I could see that his conscience was bothering him(he probably needs a shot of sherry and a small procedure to take care of any regrowth).

My lawyer friend was very happy to tell me lawyer jokes, and tell me some detail about his most famous trials. He confided in me that Canada would not pay high amounts in compensation. It was his belief that the government of Canada has instructed the Judges of Canada to payout paltry sums. However he did point to an obvious exception. And that exception was Brian Mulroney, a former prime minister of Canada. Brian Mulroney sued the Crown for $50 million. And the judge, after the crown had dropped its case against Brian Mulroney, awarded him the full amount of 50 million. My lawyer friend says this is really sort of a payback from the judge. All the judges of Canada are politically appointed. There are only two groups on the board to select judges, the police, and fellow judges. Members of the poor public, are not permitted there.

To have all of the rights of peoples in your hands goes back to the problem of the conscience. My lawyer friend, who I cannot name. Reason being, the court system of Canada, would destroy him. In the same way that they have destroyed me. So I am loyal to my friend. This of course always reminds me of the movie Scarface. In that movie, I hope you have seen it, Tony Montana [played by Al Pacino] made a very famous statement. And that statement is "I've got two things in this world, I got my balls, and I got my word. And I don't break them for no one". And so I stand firmly with Tony Montana. I have promised my lawyer friend I would never expose his identity. We have been friends a long time and he has always tried to help me. Eventually he stopped.
My Lawyer friend decided to check out my file with the Gov. of Canada. He has top security status in Canada. So he looked me up. He telephoned me, he explained that he will not talk on the phone, but he will talk in a coffee shop with lots of people around. During this coffee shop chat he seemed quite worried. He genuinely sympathized with me. He was not happy with the resulting information from his search. So he asked the question. "Who is Cumberland Development Corp."? I explained to him who that is. He said well, they have made an allegation against you, I can’t tell you what is. But this ends our conversations. There seem to be a number of agencies interested in you. I can have nothing more to do with it. You’re on your own.

To be continued..

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